Are you appalled that the board of Education has hired 15 new people and misspent federal funds? Do you want to know more about how the Board of Education will change as a result of the passage of legislation giving more power to the County Executive? Why is County Executive Baker trying to get interim Superintendent Crawley to stay now? Then you should have your behind in a seat tonight at the Washington Post sponsored and moderated forum on the State of Education in Prince George’s County. If you couldn’t find this information, don’t feel bad; neither could I. One of my readers forwarded me this information.
Date: Thursday, May 23 / Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. /Prince George’s Community College / Largo Student Center – Community Rooms A, B, C / 301 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 – Free parking will be available. Admission: FREE (Seating is limited, so please arrive early)
Also, the Prince George’s County Board of Education, released an email explaining why a cash strapped system created 15 new positions; basically they blamed it on the school takeover legislation, “The Prince George’s County Board of Education voted to realign funds within their FY2014 operating budget to accommodate the addition of 15 new positions. The positions were created in response to HB 1107, Section 4-401, which charges the Board to “(1) raise the level of academic achievement of the students in the Prince George’s County Public School System, and (2) raise the level of engagement of the parents, students, and community as a whole.”
Instead of creating positions, why don’t the current administrative officials and staff, the current PTA, and the current school board just push a little harder? Do we really need these positions? One Board of Education member Donna Hathaway Beck voted “no” because she didn’t believe this move constituted an “emergency” measure. Have to send her a virtual high five. Carletta Fellows (Dist. 7) was absent.