Starting, Stopping, and Starting Again (UPDATED)

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

We’re at the half way point of the year and I couldn’t be happier. I’m in a great place overall and feel energized and ready to conquer. Letting go ain’t easy and the past six months have certainly been challenging, eye opening, and life changing in more ways than one. Stay tuned for the best of the gluten free chef blog has yet to come.

P.S: I’m re-sharing this letter as the sentiments expressed remain the same and I resolve to continue to dream big and bold with mindfulness, faith, love, and perseverance.

Dear Readers,

Where has the year gone? I mean seriously we are knee deep in the fourth quarter of the year and I cannot figure out how I’ve made it. Actually it is by the grace of God and I am ever thankful, grateful and blessed for every single breath that I am taking. 2014 has been an exhilarating year to say the least. I have learned some of my hardest lessons, worked harder than I have ever worked, and done things that up until now have only been a dream.

The road has not been easy. There have been many downs but for every low there has been some amazing highs. My faith has been tested. I have wanted to give in, give up, and give out. But I am here. This blog has literally changed my life and I am so thankful to be writing this post. I know activity has been at an all time low over the last few months and for that I am truly sorry. Building a business from the ground up has literally taken more out of me than I could have ever imagined. Lately my priorities and time have been in constant flux. Just know that I have not forgotten my roots so to speak. I intend to get back to basics and back to my regularly scheduled blog posts very very soon.

One thing that I have learned this year is that it is ok to stop, take a break and pause things in my life. I can do a lot but I cannot do it all. Slowing down and taking breaks are how we reenergize both our minds and our bodies. I am not a machine and therefore sometimes certain things have to be turned off. Even if for a moment. Of course my ability to do these things is not always perfect. A very special blogger friend and fellow entrepreneur Jaylynn Little wrote a powerful post about the roller coaster ride that every novice entrepreneur experiences. Her post Starting, Stopping and Starting Again is a must read for anyone with a dollar and a dream. Or in her case a “Cookie and A Dream.

Sometimes we fall. Other times we fail. But no matter what we must never give up. I will never give up. And even when I pause it is my faith, hope, and tenacity keep me going and you can rest assure that I will always be back.

Here’s to starting, stopping, and starting again,

the gluten free chef

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