Starting as I Mean to Go On

By Danielcarruthers

I have to confess to being a serial secateur abuser – I should know better, and I certainly advise better, but somehow when it is the only tool to hand, it gets used in ways for which it wasn’t designed.  Fortunately both (left-handed) pairs I own are Felco Secateurs, which means that I can send them away to be spruced up and serviced for £19.99 a pair.  They will come back looking brand new and I hope that – for a while at least – I will mend my ways and treat them with the respect they deserve. They will be a joy to use as I get on with my winter pruning.  If your Felco secateurs are looking equally sorry for themselves they can be sent to Burton McCall for similar treatment – just be sure to include your name and address so that they  can send them back to you!  I post them by special delivery, so that I can afford to replace them, should they go astray.

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