Starting a New Chapter…

By Englishwifeindianlife

It has been 3.5 years since my last post. Wow, so much has changed, the whole planet has changed since then.

After several weeks of pondering, I have decided to start writing again. This blog has been such a comfort to me, a source of so many friendships and my creative outlet. It gave me a reason to step out of my comfort zone and experience things I probably would have shied away from otherwise.

This will be my final post as "English Wife, Indian Life" (we are still very happily married), I am not completely sure of the direction I am going with this. I do know I am going on another adventure and I want to document it here. It is time to start a new chapter.

Sending lots of love,

Lauren xx

Starting a New Chapter…

Published by Lauren

December 2012, I responded to a message from an unknown sender on a vegetarian forum and my heart started to beat faster. Six months later I'm in India, marrying him. Leaving my family, friends and pharmacy career in England, I followed my heart on a one-way ticket and started new life and joint family in a small traditional city in India (Nagpur). View all posts by Lauren