Start of Aruba Impressions

By Cbdesigns @cherylboglioli

OK, so you know I’m terrible about blogging and for some reason I don’t ever put my paintings on my blog.  Don’t even have a good excuse.   But, I’m going to TRY to start showing more of my paintings and more of my encaustic works over time.  I think the hard thing for me is taking the time to photograph the process. Nevertheless, here is the View in My Studio today.

This is one project I’ll share, and I’m taking photos of the progress to show my sister. You can see the sample photo she provided from Aruba to the left.   It’s been a long time since I’ve tried to paint or draw something with a realistic look or from a photo.   However, my sister has asked me to create a photo for her master bedroom and some photos for her skydive Dropzones at Skydive Aruba and Skydive Spaceland Florida.  Yes, my lil’ sis jumps out of planes for a living!  We each have our own talents! 

Anyway, here are some peeks of the progress so far.   It is no where near finished, but I’m taking my time and building layers.  I’m also starting on a small canvas to play around with colors and layers.  If it works well, then I create a much larger canvas for her master bedroom.  I might be making a few little ones to practice!

For a more painterly photo, I start with a colored background.  I tried to add some tonal values and then started working in a sky.

still working on tonal values and adding some color.   Shapes still need lots of definition.  Colors need to be fine-tuned.   Details will come last.   I’ll add some updates from here on out on my Cheryl’s Window Facebook page as I progress with this and I will start adding more progression peeks from other works in progress as well.   I’ll come back and share the finished piece with you when it is done.

Thanks for stopping by.