Start Here (Read Your Way Into 25 Amazing Authors) REVIEW

By Pamelascott
TITLE & AUTHOR: Start Here (Read Your Way Into 25 Amazing Authors)BOOK PAGE: PUBLISHER'S WEBSITE WHAT'S IT'S ABOUT
PUBLISHER: Book Riot, Inc.
SOURCE: Purchased Amazon

There are so many fantastic authors and great books out there that sometimes it's hard to know where to begin. Start Here solves that problem; it tells you how to read your way into 25 amazing authors from a wide range of genres-from classics to contemporary fiction to comics.

Each chapter presents an author, explains why you might want to try them, and lays out a 3- or 4-book reading sequence designed to help you experience fully what they have to offer. It's a fun, accessible, and informative way to enrich your reading life.

A wide array of writers, critics, and bloggers offer their expertise and passion for these authors to help you get started reading authors you've always wanted to try.

Includes chapters by Erin Morgenstern (The Night Circus) on Neil Gaiman, Joe Hill (Heart-Shaped Box) on Bernard Malamud, Linda Fairstein (The Alexandra Cooper Series) on Edgar Allan Poe, and Kevin Smokler (Practical Classics) on Sherman Alexie.

Also includes chapters on reading your way into:

  • Margaret Atwood
  • Jane Austen
  • Ray Bradbury
  • Italo Calvino
  • Philip K Dick
  • Charles Dickens
  • M. Forster
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Zora Neale Hurston
  • John Irving
  • Stephen King
  • Cormac McCarthy
  • Herman Melville
  • Arthur Miller
  • Alice Munro
  • Haruki Murakami
  • Richard Russo
  • Zadie Smith
  • David Foster Wallace
  • Colson Whitehead

The best way, by far, to find something to read is to get a recommendation from someone you know.

Start Here: Read Your Way into 25 Amazing Authors is very interesting. I tend to read the same kind of books over and over, namely crime novels. I do try and branch out a bit but always return to crime fiction in some form or another. I never read Classical literature or anything I consider 'hard'. I'm not a lazy reader but there are so many books and a limited amount of time to read. Start Here: Read Your Way into 25 Amazing Authors recommends books by a wide range of authors, both contemporary and more classical so there is something for every taste. Some recommended authors are already favourites such as Stephen King and Margaret Atwood. Some are authors I've just discovered and have started to fall in love with such as Haruki Murakami. Many of the recommended authors I've heard of but never read such as John Irving and David Foster Wallace. There are definitely some authors I want to check out after reading Start Here: Read Your Way into 25 Amazing Authors. I'd recommend this book for anyone who wants to branch out their reading tastes.