Stars in Their Eyes

By Twynkleloves @TwynkleLoves

"Look at the Stars. Look how they shine for you. And everything you do."
Happy Wednesday and New Year Lovelies. This is my first post for 2015 which seems to have got off to a mighty speedy start, can you believe that we're already a week in? To celebrate the new year, I went to dinner with my family and boy did we feast, the proof will be in the pictures (soon on the blog).
My websites name has probably indicated my love for things that shine, so I thought what better way to start off 2015 than shining like a star. I love the simplicity yet boldness of my star print top and mixed with my black peplum skirt (you won't believe it's sale price) and favorite new heels (that I last featured here and are also now on sale), it gave me all the vibes of effortless chic that I was going for.
I'm seriously not into that whole "new year, new me" malarkey because I believe growth and change should be daily goals but I will say that I'm looking forward to a simple (not basic) but superb year. Enjoy! TL. Xx
What are you looking forward to in 2015?

Star Print Top: H&M (Options here & here)
Peplum Skirt: Asos 
Necklace: Zara (Last season)
Black Heels: Reiss 
Bag: Topshop 
Sunglasses: Quay Australia 

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