Stars and Stripes

By Britishcouture

Vest Top: Primark, Denim Shorts: Topshop, Satchel: own Vintage piece, Shoes: Vans, Gold Star Necklace & Gold Star Belt: both from Primark.

These are just a couple of quick snaps from Monday. My routine has well and truly gone right out the window at the minute, but I'm hoping that when I go back to university at the end of the month it's all just gonna roll back to normal. The weather this week hasn't failed to disappoint, from gorgeous sunny days to picture perfect sunsets and I have made the most of it from hand-made baguettes by the seaside to fresh strawberries and cakes in the country. Mind you those days are becoming shorter and those evenings are slowly creeping up on us. Being a fan of the American flag print with its stars and stripes, when I saw this top in Primark last year for an absolute bargain I couldn't really say no. Whilst also being a sucker for gold jewellery, especially anything with stars on, I picked up the gold star necklace and gold star belt also in Primark for an absolute steal. So whilst throwing this outfit together the other day I couldn't think of anything better than to carry on the American theme with my gold star accessories, and of course my blue nail polish courtesy of Barry M.
Whats the weather like where you are? Been up to anything exciting?
Have a nice day (with the American accent)