Star Wars Rebels LEGO Incoming

By Boxmash

Star Wars Rebels is a new show coming to Disney Channel this year, all about how the Rebel Alliance rose to fight the evil Empire before the events of Star Wars Episode IV. Of course, if there’s a new Star Wars show, new Star Wars LEGO won’t be far behind. Check out these new sets based on Star Wars Rebels.

The cool new ship in Rebels is The Ghost, and you can build it with this 929 piece kit. It contains everything you need to make The Ghost and it’s rotating turret, and also minifigs of Jedi Kanan Jarrus, Twi’lek crew member Hera Syndulla and alien Zeb Orrelios, plus an Imperial Stormtrooper.

Less massive is the Phantom, which is a bit like an X-Wing. It’s cockpit can be detached and it’s wings fold. Coming along with the 234 piece set is pilot Ezra Bridger and astromech droid Chopper.

Both kits will be available from August 1st.