Star Citizen 3.0.0 - CitizenCon 2947 - Graphical and Planet-city Tech

Posted on the 28 October 2017 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

the following presenation, from Cloud Imperium's director of graphics engineering Alistair Brown at CitizenCon2947 in Frankfurt Germany last night, crams MANY OF THE FEATURES of a photo-retouch package like Photoshop into each 120th of a second of the forthcoming space-game Star Citizen.
Remember, Star Citizen is a CROWD FUNDED GAME i.e. paid for by private backers, that's rivalling the visual fidelity of many of the massive corporate efforts to achieve such in the gaming world - truly inventive cleverness.

And, if you liked that, no doubt this primary implementation of Procedural City Generation on the planets of Star Citizen will fill your geeky hearts with joy.
Ready? Keep watching, this one is quite the stunner, once it gets outside...