Stanley Village A Quiet Recluse In Hongkong

By Tobeontheroad
I have been staying in Hongkong for more than seven days now.Since I did not have any plans for today I decided to go to Stanley Market .I was thinking that this place is like other markets in Hongkong.I took the train and went to central the place I am familiar with now and start searching this place in the map in the MTR station.All stations in Hongkong have big displays showing the places of interest in Hongkong and the places of interest near the station.The show which exit to be taken and nearby stop clearly,one will have to note down the details and start walking towards the point.Very very simple.

In no other country I have come accross this much miniscule details.It is very much required as very few people talk in English.From the airport itself one can get guided by this big maps at prominant exit places and can be comfortably follow them to reach our hostels without any hickups.Else you can ask a student for his help and who will call your contacts and inform your arrival.

This was suggested by my Guest and I took advice and promptly was able to reach my room in his house.I reached the bus stop and looked for the bus number 6,6A,66,260.I got into the bus and it started climbing on a long winding road.

Then only I realised that this Market is situated in a village at one end of Hongkong and I can see  the spectacular views of the city as I did when I took the Peak Train the day before.I advise to carry vomit bags for People who get sick in winding hilly roads .One can also catch a green minibus from MTR Chai wan station.After a long journey I got down near the Stanley Plza and started walking through the steps to the Pier.The Stanley plaza a lot of good restaurants with a sea side view.I t is well integrated with Stanley Main street,Murrays House and Blake Pier.As I came down I came accross the Ma Hang Park which has a board walk running entire length and breadth and I could see the Blue sea and small boats and yachts plying accross.

This park has a lot of thematic zones with display boards like birds,butterflies,and plant species found in the park.Pak Tai temple is part of this park and there is a fine secluded beach where the locals keep their fishing boats and tents for partying.Stanley has to great beaches.The larger of the two beaches is popular with windsurfers and other water sport enthusiasts.

This great beach hosts the Dragon boat championships in June to celebrate Tuen Ng festival.Having arrived in the village at noon I walked to the secluded beach and opened my lunch sitting and gazing at the sea with boats and yachts criss crossing in the bay.At the far end on the open sea I could see big merchand vessels slowly entering into the Hongkong harbor with ease.

Giving company to me was a young girl with her dog.She was lying covering her face with a towel and the little doggy was going around sniffing now and then.How I got into sleep I do not know.Suddenly I was woken up by a noise and could see a boy and girl with their surf boat and had landed in the beach.After a break they left and I had good chat with them and took some snaps also.Having a good rest it was in the late afternoon I started back to the Plaza.On the way I could see a group of Dog owners with their dogs on prowl.

Murray House and Black Pier stand testimonials of British era and have been relocated to its present locations from the central district.The house has been converted into a restaurant with beautiful beach views and good scenary.The Black pier is being used by boats which takes passengers to remote islands and yacht operators.

As you walk along the Stanley markets you come accross Tim Hau Temple one of the oldest temples in Hongkong.The whole fishing village has been transformed into a tourist spot and the public housing Ma Hang estate stand proud in in its midst.With a cool breeze setting and many tourists tucked in under the sea side restaurants I bade good bye to this pictursque village and took my bus back to TST.This blog post is the copyright of Reproduction in part or full of this blog post is strictly prohibited.All copy rights are reserved.When you happen to view this blog post in other sites please bring it to the notice of CHANDRAS efforts will be greately appreciated.As always ,all opinions expressed here are entirely my own.