Stanley Park Noble Pilsner

By I Think About Beer @ithinkaboutbeer

(Picture from

Stanley Park Brewery is a brewery located in Vancouver, BC and can trace its history back to 1897.  I don’t know if they’ve been operating continuously since then, though.  Sustainability is a major concern for the brewery.  They own a wind turbine.   They package 2 beers: a Belgian-style pilsner and a Belgian-style amber. Although it sounds like they are working on adding some seasonals and other offerings.

Appearance: Pale straw yellow with a white head.  Ok retention.

Aroma: Grassy, grainy, touch of sulfur

Taste: Malty with a clean, crisp finish of medium length

Overall Impression: They are calling this a Belgian-style pilsner.  If you’re comparing this to the major Belgian pilsner, Stella Artois, then you can see what they’re getting at.  The beer is lighter than either a German or Czech pilsner.  If you compare this to Stella, it’s a better, tastier beer.  It’s clean and refreshing.  Overall, it’s a solid effort.

?% ABV

Notes: This was a solicited review.  The brewery sent a PR pack which included mixed 6 pack, a glass, and some nice info cards.