Stacy’s Flutterings Nominated for a Leibster Award!

By Stacy @stacyflutter

I learned earlier today that Stacy’s Flutterings Blog has been nominated for the Leibster Award by the Mental Health Writer’s Guild!  What a great start to the day!  Thank you Kevin!  I’m humbled, and I’m honored that the blog was nominated for this award.  My intention, with the blog, is to share my personal experiences with mental illness, share resources as I learn of them, let others know that they are not alone, and I want to utilize the blog to help advocate for mental illness awareness, erase the stigma and to create meaningful change to our mental health system.

Now on to the Leibster Award!  There are 11 facts that I will share, and there are 11 questions that I will answer, and then I will nominate 5-11 blogs that I think are deserving of the award – I think ALL of the blogs I come across should be awarded!  Here goes!

11 Facts About Myself:

1.  I am 47 years old.  I don’t mind sharing my age.  :)

2.  I am a female.  I bet you can tell by my blog name. LOL

3.  I have been married to my best friend for 28 years.  I love him more than  words can express.

4.  I have three amazing, lovable, kind, respectful and  just out of this world awesome kids!  I could add so much more, but I’ll save that for another time. ;)

5.  I have two sweet as cupcakes, adorable granddaughters who I’d give anything for.

6.  I love to write.  It is one of my passions.  My writing tends to fall within a variety of genres: blogging, memoir writing, article writing…

7.  I love to volunteer.  I find volunteering to be a great way to give back to those that have helped me and my family.

8.  Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love coffee!  I drink it night and day which I know is bad for my health.

9.  My favorite food is pizza.  You can’t go wrong with that! :)

10. I have the best mom in the world!  I love you Mom! ;)

11 Questions for Me: (these are from the Mental Health Writer’s Guild, and I accidentally used Kevin’s questions from his Leibster nominee.  I spent quite a bit of time answering these questions so I’ll go ahead and use them.  Please forgive me Kevin!)

1.  What is the number one reason you started blogging?

I volunteered with the incredible and inspirational Karla Smith Foundation at the ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition that was taped in Ottawa, Kansas for the Hill Family (whom my family and I just love!).  I met a wonderful woman named Pat on the build site.  By the end of our 7 days there on site she had learned quite a bit about me and my story.  She said something like, “You’re going to blog about this and your experiences write?”  I told her I didn’t know what a blog was, but that I’d check it out.  Boy am I glad I checked it out! :)

2.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I wouldn’t want to change anything.  I believe that every experience, good and not so good, has brought me to here, to this moment.  If I were to change even one thing I’d change the chemistry of being here in this moment, a moment that I can’t actually be thankful enough to have!

3.   What is your biggest fear?

My biggest fear…hmmm…I can think of a few!  I don’t want to lose my loved ones.  They breathe life into this soul.

4.  Do you have a particular coping skill for stress? What is it?

I pray, and I write.  Writing is therapeutic for me.

5.  If you had a magical power, what would it be

If I had a magical power I would want to take away any suffering whether it is physical, mental or any other type of suffering, and I would make sure that everyone, no matter who they are, feels accepted.  I don’t have to have the same beliefs as someone else, and I don’t have to agree with what other people do, but I do accept each person for who they are.

6.  What do you daydream about?

I’m pretty boring.  If I daydream it’s usually about ideas that I have for the blog or other writing that I’m doing.

7.  If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be? Why?

I’d be more vocal.  I’d speak out when someone is being insensitive about someone or something.

8.  If there was one thing you could secure in your future, what would it be? Why?

If I were to use “forward thinking” I’d want to make sure that my loved ones are taken care of, and that they have everything that they need and that stigma no longer existed to hamper them or anyone else from living the life that they want.

9.  What is your favorite pastime?

Being in the presence of my loved ones.

10. Even though you are a relatively new blogger; what advice do you offer to another newbie?

Don’t be afraid to use your voice and blog about what matters to you because in the overall scheme of things you matter therefore your voice matters!

11. What is the most important thing you want to accomplish with your blog?

Ultimately, I’d like for the blog to be a part of the positive change that I see occurring in the world of mental health and wellness.  If this blog, in my little corner of the universe, helps erase stigma and make life better for others then it’s served its purpose.

My Nominees for the Leibster Award: (if you’ve been nominated before I apologize)

My Bright Shining Star

This is Your Sign!


Ramisa the Authoress


Those are my nominees!

The 11 Questions for my Nominees: (I’m using the questions that I was supposed to answer from the Mental Health Writer’s Guild!)

1.  What is your all time favorite memory – or at least one which you can share with us?

2.  When did you start blogging?

3.  Did you have any specific motivation for blogging and if so what?

4.  Did you have any specific hopes in blogging, and if so what?

5.  Have those hopes been realized so far?

6.  If you could make a mobile to go above your bed – which would hold six glass bubbles holding one picture in each bubble – who or what would those pictures be of?

7.  If you were offered a big red button which would instantly take away your mental illness(es) would you press it?

8.  Name something which you feel your mental illness has prevented you from doing.

9.  Name something which you feel your mental illness has caused you to do which you might not have done.

10. Do you struggle to blog?

11.  If you could have one person truly experience your mental illness for one whole day – would you and if so who and why?

Those are the questions for my nominees.  Thank you again for the award!  :)