Hope everyone has a great day, whether you're celebrating Easter or not!
I haven't done many of these, and I haven't done ANY recently, so I'm just going to spotlight a few books I remember getting recently and not telling you about.
ARCs for review:
Finished copies for review:
From trade:
While I've gotten a bunch more than these recently, these are some I'm SUPER excited for and hope to read soon.
I haven't bought any books lately, but this month my birthday is coming up.. so let's just say I won't be able to say the same thing in a couple of weeks. :P
Also, I will stop posting on FanGirl Hostess soon, because I'm joining Lovely Reads.
I'll be adding links later today for Night Owl Reviews (nightowlreviews.com is where it's at), BookSneeze, and Lovely Reads.
I hope you've been following the Zoe Dawson tour! If you haven't, look at my previous post for a giveaway & author interview. I'll have a guest post up on April 1st! :)