St. Meinrad, Indiana Sesquicentennial: Celebrating 150 Years of Small

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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St. Meinrad, Indiana Sesquicentennial

St. Meinrad, Indiana is an absolutely beautiful part of the state–and after hearing about the grand festivities planned for the 150th anniversary of the town, well, little Indiana had to be there!

St. Meinrad Sesquicentennial

I’ve been watching the St. Meinrad  Sesquicentennial Facebook Page, eyeing events and hoping I’d be able to make it. Let’s just say not only did I make it there, but I polished off a warm from the griddle Funnel Cake in record time!

We weren’t sure where in the world to go so we looked for a bunch of cars. After parking, we made our way through the (yummy) food booths. As you can see below, hubs got a steak sandwich.

Was I surprised to see Kevin, the owner of Santa’s Candy Castle in Santa Claus, Indiana there helping out at the Boy Scout Troop’s Booth! Apparently, he is a man who wears many hats. You’ll get to read an updated version on Santa’s Candy Castle soon!

Anyway, Kid #1 wouldn’t hear of looking at a thing until he got to play in the bounce houses. Yes, that is plural and yes–they were free! Now, is that small town or is that small town?

When he finally let us tear him away, we headed to the St. Meinrad American Legion where we perused many old newspaper clippings and other memorabilia from throughout the town’s history. Talk about interesting! It was an all-around fantastic display! St. Meinrad, Indiana should be very proud of their heritage!

Send in The Clowns (or The Juggler)

St. Meinrad, Indiana Sesquicentennial or Another Excuse to Eat Fair Food

We settled in to watch a juggler perform but a thunderstorm rolled in! After a short debate we decided to  wait it out.

I am glad we did–it cleared up rather quickly leaving behind a rainbow. We got back to the Juggling act (that even involved fire!).

Happy Birthday, St. Meinrad! little Indiana was happy to be there. Here’s to many, many more!

Stay tuned to discover more images of St. Meinrad as  well as other pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream.

St. Meinrad, Indiana

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