St Kilda – the Stacks

By Ros @scotlandphohos

When we were ready to leave St Kilda, our boat took us on a jaunt around the bottom of Boreray, Stac Lee and Stac an Armin.

Image - Stac Lee, Stac an Armin & Boreray, St Kilda, Scotland

They are huge chunks of rock rearing straight out of the sea, and towered above our tiny wee boat.

Photo - Boreray, Stac Lee, Hirta and Soay, St Kilda, Scotland

Almost every available ledge on Stac an Armin seemed to have a gannet sitting on it.

Photo - gannet colony on Stac an Armin, St Kilda, Scotland

Boreray was the only stack that seemed to have any colour:Photo - Boreray, in the St Kilda archipelago, 50 miles off the coast of Scotland