SSU Kitchen | Glasswares and How To Keep Them Shiny - Always!!

By Shoppingaholic @shoppingaholicc

 Happy Thursday Friends - Kitchen, Home and Garden Time on SSU,

Today, it's kitchen.
So, every now and then I stumble upon some kind of glassware and I keep thinking of adding those to my kitchen. Alas!! that is not always possible. Though they are clear with no color in them, but the elegance is embedded and only some can see it, I am one of them. Anything in clear glass looks tempting, stunning and sheer beauty. But they also get old, losing the luster and shine.

So, How to keep glass-wares shiny?

We all know that cleaning with dish washer and scrub is not always correct when keeping some kitchenwares clean and shiny like they were new. But it is also not impossible. There is always a trick and a secret product that does the job. Here I am going to tell you about a product which is not a secret at all when it comes to cleaning. VINEGAR!! If you Google that, you'd find many articles on this. I found it, tried and tested. It really works.
Just add a few table spoons of vinegar in warm water, dish washer and leave your glass-wares in the tub for a while. Vinegar will do its job and your glass-wares will be shine like new.

These are some pictures of cups and saucers that I bought around Diwali. But it took me a little while to post. I was waiting for the right time and probably today is one of that right time. Hope I was able to help you through this post. I would also love to know if you have any tips or tricks for kitchen cleaning. It would be really great to share that with all of us!!

 For now, go and do some cleaning or add some new glass-wares in your kitchen. Before spending your money think if you NEED or you WANT.

Chow for now!!
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Jiya (Shoppingaholic)