At its February event Sony did not fully understand what Microsoft had planned, details of which did not emerge until the Xbox One unveiling in May. "Of course, it was really the actions of others, and the reaction coming from consumers, which led to more speculation," added House. "So we felt that with E3, it was a really good opportunity to set the record straight. But there weren't any changes that we'd been considering."
S&S News: Sony 'had No Intention' of PlayStation 4 Used Games DRM, According to Andrew House
Posted on the 05 July 2013 by Sameo452005 @iSamKuliiAt its February event Sony did not fully understand what Microsoft had planned, details of which did not emerge until the Xbox One unveiling in May. "Of course, it was really the actions of others, and the reaction coming from consumers, which led to more speculation," added House. "So we felt that with E3, it was a really good opportunity to set the record straight. But there weren't any changes that we'd been considering."