
Posted on the 07 October 2012 by Maria Snyder @MariaConsulting

Squidoo is an evolving community that started in 2005. It’s a brain child of Seth Godin, an absolutely brilliant marketer. The founders used their saavy skills to connect a pool of writers with a desire to earn money through modules that earn commissions such as Amazon and Ebay.

Squidoo leaks engagement and is addicting if you are a writer. It fills a need to write about non social media topics.

When you write articles on Squidoo, they must be unique, useful and updated. The articles are lenses, and are focused on one topic.

My Squidoo lens page http://www.squidoo.com/lensmasters/mariasconsulting

Search engines are smart, they know unique quality content and so does the amazing editorial team at Squidoo.  My posts there are quazi-experimental and a lot more personal. I strive to update them as each topic evolves. It has a social component with it’s own liking system. Give Squidoo a try.

Here are a few of my posts, please stop by and give them a Squid-like.



