Springy Feelings

By Colleen Brynn @ColleenBrynn

If you’ve ever survived a Canadian spring, you’ll know that it’s anything but the quintessential green and spritely image of freshness that you might believe. It’s shades of brown and grey, and there’s a ubiquitous slop… not to mention a persistent threat of yet another dump of snow just around the corner.

Eventually, trees begin to bud, and yes, the green appears, but before then, there isn’t a lot of pretty.

So for today, I’m channeling some good feels, those Irish greens, and a stubborn sun that came out on my friend’s wedding day in a region notorious for cloudy, rainy days. Let us channel that hope, and maybe spring, as it is right now, is here to stay. For the life of me, I refuse to turn my heat back on.


Happy Spring! Find me on Facebook, twitter and Instagram. Let’s share those sunny vibes.

*All above photos taken in Ireland and Northern Ireland.