Springing into May

By Chrryblossomtat2
April has whizzed past me in a blur to be honest, if it weren't for all the photos and blogging I would be lost to recall what happened. Today in particular, being the last of Aprils days to give, has lead to think of all the changes and the growth that one month can create. I admit I have been wasting time on the photo gallery pages just watching the transformation.
These are from yesterday...

Acer with little helicopter flowers; the birch, now growing strong; new buds all over the virginia creeper, growth from all place on the large acer, ivy creeping slowly along in the shaded area

these tulips keep giving!

I'm in a bad place today, mentality and need to rest my mind and my body before there is an implosion of sorts. The sun is shining but it isn't making me feel better; got an empty laundry basket though! Sometimes I feel as though nature is laughing at me; I'm paranoid I know, what a silly brain I have :(
May always makes me think of this quote, which I believe I have shared here before, but it gives me such hope and reassurance that I shall share it again. It is my blog after all; my rules ;)

Carrie x