Spring Flings: Sports Coats and Outerwear.

By Theelegantologist

Keeping up with the trends that are decent enough for any of us to wear, I’ve noticed an awful lot of unlined or semi-lined sports coats. These have been around since Moses had the first one made up in Egyptian cotton. There’s a reason that they died out. Machine manufacturing is sloppy stuff and a full lining conceals that nicely. It takes more work to make sure seams are even and taped, and that the sportcoat is cut to look like something other than a potato sack. The good ones look like blazers and sports coats. They feel like shirts. I suppose it is the Italian influence or our concerns over global warming that have lead to wearing cooler fabrics, but whatever the case, I’m all for them. The best will still have a canvas front and minimal of any padding to the shoulder.

Moving on to outerwear… safari jackets. Or field coats. Or moto style waxed jackets. They go by many names. They are all military inspired and look great as casual outerwear or for the middle ground of menswear. Mr. Lauren’s is rendered in black linen. Making it cooler in all senses of the word.