Spring Cleaning - An Easy Way To Maintain Leather

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Alright people ... Spring is here. While it is time to revive our wardrobe and keep aways the coats and leather, it also the time to do some spring cleaning. Go through your closet, get rid of everything that doesn't fit, looks worn out, or is damaged beyond repair. Also, get your coats and sweaters dry cleaned and condition your leather. 
Talking of which, that's exactly what we are talking about on the blog today. Remember my twelve year old leather jacket? Well, this how I keep is supple and soft over the years. 
Enter Leather Nova. It removes the dirt and stains, conditions, adds vital nutrients which restores and protects the leather. It gives a non-greasy finish to avoid dust accumulation and prevent premature drying and cracking.

  • Shake the bottle well before use.
  • Clean the leather by removing excess dirt with damp cloth.
  • Apply the formula to the enclosed applicator pad and rub thoroughly onto the leather surface. You may also use a clean cloth to apply the product.
  • Allow to dry for 30-45 minutes and then use a dry cloth to gently buff the surface.
  • Reapply, if necessary.
Powered by Leather Nova * This product was provided to me at no cost. All opinions mentioned are my own.