Spring Cleaning.

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd

After the #bbloggers chat on Sunday, where numerous bloggers were talking about how essential it is to throw products away after their expiration dates, I was feeling inspired to have a proper clear-out of my makeup stash. What was meant to be just chucking a few bits and bobs away turned into a full scale clear out and I'm happy to report back that my bulging drawer has been tamed, if only by a little. 
One of the main advantages was rooting through everything and finding some old favourites that had been hidden, but I was on a mission, I had to be strict. First things first, I got rid of the rubbish. I'm not a massive believer in makeup use-by dates, I think it's an awful waste of product (who can get through a mascara tube in 3 months?) and if you keep things clean there shouldn't be any trouble, but if stuff is dried out or unusable chuck it out straight away, there's no point in keeping it! With all that gone, it was time to sort out the rest. Everything was removed from the drawer and sorted it out one by one. Essentials went straight back in, then the products that I wear often or hold sentimental value, the result being that the products that I don't use very often were left out. I'm giving them one last chance, dramatic eh?, so they are currently sitting in a 'maybe's' box, creative name, and I will try them out one last time to test that they really don't work for me before I remove them from the collection completely. 
The only problem is, it all seems a bit of a waste. Of course, I've had to throw away all the bits that are too horrible to use, but the rest of it is in perfectly good condition and I  bad just throwing it away. So I'm thinking of doing a blogsale in the next couple of weeks so that everything can go to a lovely new home as there is literally no point in throwing it all away (let me know if this is something you would be interested in!). And there are loads of other options too, friends, families and charities like Give and Makeup would also be really great recipients for  your unloved pieces. 
Now that everything has been sorted out, a 'one in one out' system is definitely in order to keep everything under control and all that's left to do now is organize it nicely, did you get that I'm a bit of a nerd ...