Spring Cityscape

By Pmeurice

   Pursuing experiments with Pastel - this time, trying watercolor paper, almost as thick as a painting board… 
I was in search for a subject and looking for a rather quick painting. I ended simplifying a cityscape of London, aiming to render a the springy atmosphere we could enjoy over the last few days.
Here it is : 

Spring Cityscape

I owe this trial to one of the book I have been offered - a work by Bill Creevy. This american artist is surely what one can call a master on this medium, and I have been finishing his book with the greed to try new technics. (I really like his cityscapes and landscapes, by the way!)
For those interested, the different steps to the final painting : 

Surely more to come on this paper (which really takes well pastel layers and corrections!!) and trying on this technic. 
Tomorrow, I'll start a portrait painting class.