Ahh Spring, a season of renewal, a rebirth, a perfect time to reflect on what has and hasn't been working and to try something new.
I am deep into a Spring cleaning of the mind, if you will. As I am taking my life coach certification test this week, it doesn't seem like a coincidence that I have been finding myself Spring cleaning my home as well. Throw open your windows ~ let go of what no longer serves you in your home as well as your mind. We are making room for abundance! Space allows for an openness (literally and figuratively) for the things yet to come. Letting go of stuff, of fears, of negativity, of old beliefs helps create a healthier and better balanced life full of possibilities.
It feels like just the right time for new beginnings, so let's plant some seeds of change together. Let's get our hands dirty and see what grows!
I don't know about you but I feel excited! Tell me what your Spring awakening looks like, won't you?