Spring at Baddesley Clinton

By Ozhene @papaver
I am very fond of Spring flowers, I am very fond of many flowers, but the early flowers that pave the way for the height of the growing season are to be treasured.  I went for a visit to Baddesley Clinton which as you can see, has a rather fine moat.
There is something really magical about a moat, it is a story-book detail that is just wonderful to see in real life.  The house is not huge and it sits beautifully within its landscape.
I did ponder this bricked up door-way that would have opened into the moat.  Did they make the door and then realize it was a bit wet outside?  Is it the secret entrance where Black Bob was walled in alive?  Or is it something far more mundane?
There are a lots of daffodils lining the moat.  They make a cheery detail.
Apparently the National Trust are going to restore this vine house.
It has the most beautiful tiled floor.
There is also this aeonium greenhouse, complete with scary scarecrow.  I am not sure how many crows they get in the greenhouse, probably none because he is there.
There was good use of coppiced hazel twigs getting ready to be plant supports in the long border.
Plus twiggy nests over the peonies.
This topiary walk was rather fine with a nice seated bench at the end.  It looked like Elizabethan ladies might appear and walk along it at any moment.
and along the walls were beautifully trained roses and this wisteria.
But really the visit was about daffodils.  This meadow of daffs by the side of the church made my heart sing.  It was worth visiting for this moment alone.