Spring Allergies and Writing Interruptions

By Writerinterrupted @writerinterrupt

As if Sandwich Generation caregiving issues weren’t enough to keep me continually interrupted and away from writing, spring has sprung with a vengeance. A short warm winter and even warmer spring now means tons of gorgeous greenery and lovely blossoms. Unfortunately, it also means more allergy issues than normal.

As a matter of fact, Weather.com quoted Dr. Cliff Bassett, a New York allergist and fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says, “We think the pollen itself is more powerful due to the warm conditions. It’s like super-charged pollen.”

That’s me, that’s for sure. So now, I’m sneezing, lethargic, and you should hear my voice! It’s getting hoarser by the second. All of this combined means that I’m moving slower and getting less work done. I was totally tempted to give in to whining, complaining, and giving up yesterday. But then, one of my grandkids did just that over one his games and I reminded him, as I often do, to

“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

As I reminded him of these encouraging Bible verses, I felt convicted myself! Yes, I was getting more of those frustrating interruptions. And yes, I feel pretty crummy. But God has a purpose and a point in all that He allows in our lives. And that includes all these interruptions – whether from caregiving or from colds and allergies.

So I will choose to obey God by rejoicing even in the midst of them, while continuing to pray for healing, for wisdom, and for more time to write.

Dear Father, thank You for allowing the unusual weather which has led to such a glorious spring. Thank You, too, for allowing the extra pollen leading to more allergy issues. Please give us the wisdom to deal with this in a way pleasing to You, while setting a good example for those around us. And please give us the energy we need to push through the interruptions and accomplish Your will in our lives. Amen