Spread the Word | Watching Chris Evans on The Tonight Show Is a Legit Hobby But I Still Don't Have a Life

Posted on the 13 April 2014 by Limette @Limette9

Mettel explains her reasons for loving film and defends movie-watching as a hobby.
Sofia - dashingly - lists 30 of the many movies to look out for this year.
It's an older post, but I finally read Stevee's wonderful post on feminism and film.
Nick impressed me by not only watching, but also reading Divergent.
Katy reviews Jobs and not surprisingly dislikes it a lot. My tiny hope for it was finally crushed.

Sherlock Season 3: The Musical is so perfect even now. I can't wait to re-watch this season.
Nik shared this awesome video of The Evolution of Bollywood Music.
Jensen Ackles sing 'Carry On My Wayward Son' - does it need more saying?
Chris Evans and his brother Scott were hilarious on the Tonight Show.

As You Watch is becoming a favorite - they recently talked about Woody Harrelson, Anton Yelchin and Daniel Brühl.
FTS is still my #1 podcast and in their latest episode theyd list their favorite Fake Movies/ Shows in Real Movies/ Shows.
If podcasting was a religion, my God would be Ryan McNeil who had Stevee Taylor join him to voice-review Noah along with Vigil and Ben Hur.

Since last time, my guest spots on The Film Pasture (Episode 13: Get a Life!) and the LAMBCast (Episod 212: Muppet Mania) came out. I had a great time discussing my lack of life and what watching the entire Muppet franchise has to do with that on both of these shows.
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