Spread the Love Linky Party Time

Posted on the 13 December 2014 by Cheekymeeky

Helloo!! Where is the time going? It’s mid-December already and it feels like we are racing to the year-end. So much to do, so much to complete. I haven’t been able to get much done blog-wise. How about you? How’s December holding up? I’m putting up this linky a day earlier this week as tomorrow is my son’s birthday. Piglet turns 3 and he have all kinds of exciting events planned and so will be offline during the day. I will be visiting and promoting all the great posts linked up early pn Monday though, so keep those posts coming!

Thanks everyone who participates in the link-up last week. There were some great posts included. The most clicked-on post last week was:

Bryan’s Top Ten Books of 2014

If you haven’t read it, do go out and read it here and don’t forget to add your latest and greatest posts to the link-up below.

Make sure you follow my blog to get link-up notifications. Follow buttons are on the sidebar. My spread the linky newsletter is also up on my sidebar. Make sure you get added to it for linky notifications. A single e-mail once a week, that’s all you are signing up for.

How it works: Basically, you pick one of your favorite posts, from the past week or even earlier, and link up. Go check out some of the other interesting posts featured in the link-up.

I”ll promote my favorite posts through Twitter and Pinterest. I’ll also feature the most clicked-on link the following week. And you can grab a button to help Spread the Love and brag if you’ve been featured, too!

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