Spread the Love Linky – February Link-up

Posted on the 09 February 2015 by Cheekymeeky

Oops, my apologies for the late posting this week. Was down with the flu second half of the week, and I missed scheduling this in time.

Last week’s most clicked on link last week was:

February’s Journal Prompts

I thought these were some excellent prompts, and I have the printable all printed out for my reference. Here’s to journaling . The post is up here if you want to look it up.

The link up is now active for this week. You can sign up below this post.

Also do make sure you follow my blog to get link-up notifications. Follow buttons are on the sidebar.

How it works: Basically, you pick one of your favorite posts, from the past week or even earlier, and link up. Go check out some of the other interesting posts featured in the link-up.

I”ll promote my favorite posts through Twitter and Pinterest. I’ll also feature the most clicked-on link the following week. And you can grab a button to help Spread the Love and brag if you’ve been featured, too!

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