Spraying Bricks - The Mission, San Francisco

By Invisiblemadevisible @imv_streetart

Just before the turn of the year the team at Spraying Bricks were fortunate enough to be invited by none other than London based artist Word To Mother, for his recent California Coming Home show at White Walls Gallery. During our time there they caught up with Herakut, who were showing at the same time, as well as Ben Eine.
One of their highlights included a trip to The Mission District. Creatively vibrant and as equally chilled. Besides the multitude of delicious eateries, the area is rich with art. There is not a wall, door, road or pavement in sight that has not had a splash of paint.
"Whilst, aimlessly, walking around the back streets I was fortunate enough to meet such a passionate individual named Ronin Tomoshima. A resident of The Mission District for 17 years, he has dedicated his life to the one thing that he loves and makes him happy, painting. As a muralist, using mainly brushes and acrylics, Ronin has spent up to two months at a time on one piece. He told me how he had chosen to sleep rough and sometimes even gone without food just so he had money for paint and brushes. I was puzzled to why he had sacrificed everything. We smoked on the Cali Kush and talked some more. Then it dawned on me...you can't dwell on what you don't have if the only thing that you do have is that what brings you the upmost joy.
I originally had no intention of producing a film on Ronin, I was simply picking up some general footage of San Francisco. However, I was inspired by his story so thought it necessary to share. Art is the freedom to express, there are many more creatives in The Mission who are just like Ronin. So if you're passing through The Mission on your travels, spare a penny or two for the local artists, who each day are making this world a colourful and vibrant home."

Track - Solitude by Entertainment for the Braindead