Name: Avocet Size: 41cm (16in)Found: Suffolk, Norfolk, DevonHabitat: Marshes and estuariesDistinctive Feature: Long upturned beak
Name: Blackcap Size: 14cm (5.5in)Found: NorfolkHabitat: Woods, parks and gardensDistinctive Feature: Black headcap of males
Name: Golden Oriole Size: 24cm (9.5in)Found: East AngliaHabitat: Broadleaf woodland and fensDistinctive Feature: Yellow and black plumage
Name: House Martin Size: 12.5cm (5in)Found: Throughout BritainHabitat: Nest in buildingsDistinctive Feature: White band at tail base
Name: Swallow Size: 19cm (7.5in)Found: Throughout BritainHabitat: Open country near waterDistinctive Feature: Long forked tail feathers
Name: Swift Size: 17cm (6.5in)Found: Throughout BritainHabitat: Nest in buildingsDistinctive Feature: Long curved wings
Name: Yellow Wagtail Size: 17cm (6,5in)Found: Eastern and Central EnglandHabitat: Meadows and wetland edgesDistinctive Feature: Yellow underparts of male