It is an AH story where Eric is an FBI agent and meets Sookie while investigating a case on Halloween… and were off and running. As a reader, I was pulled in from the word go and Ericizmine became one of my favorite writers. She is way at the top of my list of “must reads” that I followed her stories to her personal blog. A blog which houses several stories including a series known as the Multiverse.
Now the Multiverse is an entity of its own. Its a series of stories that are based on the concept of seeing what would happen if a single event was different. An amazing multi layered concept that had brats and readers wanting more… and more.
Sadly there will be no more stories to be shared, when Angela passed away last year. Her family and her fanfic family miss her dearly.
On a personal note, I hope she knows how much her stories have influenced some of my recent life changes and future plans. Cause everyone should have the world in the palm of their hand.
Brats for life.