Spotlight: Sometimes, You Can Go Home Again—and Rebuild It

Posted on the 12 December 2011 by Jon Baucom @SidekickMag

Dr. Justin Moody embraced a unique opportunity in 1997, when he headed home to Nebraska to work with—and eventually take over for—his longtime family dentist. After almost a decade at the office, Moody decided he needed to upgrade the technology he provided and installed the DEXIS 2-D intraoral digital X-rays in 2006. Observing the benefits of the DEXIS 2-D first-hand convinced Moody to embark upon a complete technological overhaul of his office, complete with a 8,600-square foot expansion that includes the best equipment in the industry and expanded treatment choices such as same-day crowns, in-house tooth whitening, veneers (both of the no-prep and conventional variety), soft-tissue procedures and a variety of dental implant restoration and placement options. Enhancing the technology has allowed Moody to both welcome new patients into the office while cutting down on the amount of time patients spend in the chair and removing all the “trial and error” from the diagnosis process.