Title: FraudsterAuthor: R V RamanCategory: Fiction Publisher: HachetteDate: 2014Price: Rs. 250Pages: 272ISBN: 9350098008
Fraudster : The Story of Corporate India’s Black Sheep:Fraudster is a suspense thriller from R. V. Raman set in the world of corporate finance.Summary of the BookSome people will do anything to silence anyone they think are obstacles. They won’t stop at anything, not even murder. In this thrilling novel, a young banker deposes before a commission investigating large-scale financial fraud. She is found dead the very next day. Meanwhile, a leader of corporate India falls to his death from his South Bombay flat. In a multinational accounting firm, the high-security server room is hacked. The hackers want more than just company secrets. Illegal finance, high-profile crimes and brutal manipulation combine in this tale of greed, treachery and corruption amidst corporate India’s worst members.About R. V. RamanR. V. Raman is an Indian writer and the former head of KPMG's Consulting Practice and the co-head of their Risk Advisory Services. He was also partnered with A.T. Kearney and Arthur Andersen, and boasts an experience of over three decades and covering four continents. Currently a faculty member at the Indian Institute of Management, Trichy, he teaches Business Strategy. He is based in Chennai and this is his first book.Copies Available at all online stores: 1. Flipkart:http://www.flipkart.com/fraudster-story-corporate-indias-black-sheep-english/p/itmdzwremrxkzpga?pid=9789350098004&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=fraudster+by+RV+Raman&ref=aa380f32-7bd9-474b-9aec-6be0feaa924b2. Amazon:http://www.amazon.in/Fraudster-Story-Corporate-Indias-Black/dp/9350098008/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1415539773&sr=8-1&keywords=fraudster+by+RV+Raman3. Infibeam:http://www.infibeam.com/Books/fraudster-r-v-raman/9789350098004.html#variantId=P-M-B-9789350098004Know More Inside Stories, Connect with The Author:Twitter: RVRaman_
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