Spot the Self-refutation: Beth Moore

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
When the Be Still DVD was issued in 2006, Beth Moore’s participation in what was obviously a mystical/pagan promotion of Eastern Religious prayer practices caused an uproar. This was 11 years ago at this writing and Moore was seen as solidly solid then. Moore issued a clarification and retraction and apology for her participation, saying it was "hugely accidental" if she participated in something unsound. She assured her audience-
Beth Moore 1: "I am not involved in any kind of emergent church movement or any kind of mystical prayer movement."
Then she continued in her apology, clarifying her words that ended up on the DVD-
Beth Moore 2: "Here's what I intended to say: pray, pray, and pray some more and learn how to listen for God's response."
The two comments are from the same piece of writing. Do you see what I see?
Here is Moore a few years later participating in a mystical prayer experience of Lectio Divina. Photo source: Sola Sisters.
Spot the self-refutation: Beth Moore