SportSpace is an AR-and-AI-powered Web3 Fitness App

Posted on the 15 November 2022 by Nftnewspro

The first-of-its-kind Web3 fitness platform is coming, offering exciting new technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence algorithms to enhance users’ fitness experiences.

In the past two years, the fitness industry has adopted Web3, with initiatives such as Stepn leading the way by developing “move-to-earn” programs that enable users to earn money by remaining active.

Well, a new company called Sports-to-Earn – brought to you by SportsSpace – is poised to disrupt the industry and bring a new form of the fitness industry.

SportSpace harnessing tomorrow’s technology in today’s fitness industry

SportsSpace is a next-generation Web3 fitness platform that blends augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to create an entirely new industry known as Sports-to-Earn.

The goal of the project is to integrate common sports on the blockchain to enhance the user experience by allowing them to simultaneously engage in any sport and earn money.

The platform facilitates the adoption of a healthier lifestyle by incorporating the technology of the future into a ready-to-use platform.

SportSpace is based on daily activities, and there is no limit to the amount of exercise a user can perform. It is assisted by AI technology that has been implemented into the games to make them more entertaining for the players. In addition, the initiative seeks to produce sustainable value via Sports-to-Earn, which compensates users for everyday practice and establishes an open, limitless sports economy.

Virtual NFT trackers utilized for monitoring sporting events

Virtual trackers, a new form of non-financial tokens (NFTs) utilized by SportsSpace, allow users to earn money while participating in their sport of choice. As players play more games, NFTs level up, rewarding them with better experiences and revenues.

After purchasing the Virtual NFT Tracker, all that is required to participate is a mobile phone. The best aspect of the platform is that it allows users to play any game at any time and from any location. That means you no longer have an excuse to skip your workout when it’s cold outside, as you can remain active at home in an AR environment.

The smartphone application is available in both a free and a Pro version. The free version serves as an introduction to the ecosystem, but the Pro edition enables users to earn awards and play more complex games.

NFT Tracker aids in calculating the value of tokens earned by an active user. In addition, the virtual tracker may assess performance and calorie consumption after each augmented reality (AR) fitness game, creating a system to ensure that awards do not devastate the project’s economics.

Among the most important characteristics of the platform are:

personal development class social element private sports club developer sdk

Socialify Joins Fitness To Introduce Competition

To inject competition into the platform, SportsSpace has developed S Plus Club, a product that enables users to create customized fitness clubs based on their sporting interests.

S+ Club enables its users to establish teams and compete in online PK tournaments for ranking awards. In addition, the site will hold Super Team competitions, with the winning team receiving Sports Fund rewards preference.

Personal Advancement Classes are private AR lectures that allow users to concentrate on specialized training regimens while simultaneously getting rewarded.

Classes consist of strength and boxing training sessions professionally tailored to improve students’ health and fitness. Beginners must progress through courses to attain more difficult levels and gain more rewards.

Finally, SportsSpace plans to release a comprehensive software development kit (SDK) enabling developers to create more augmented reality (AR) fitness games that users may use within the ecosystem. SportSpace chose to release an SDK to promote the platform’s sports diversity. They recognize that open source will create competition in the game development industry. The DAO will reward developers that produce popular games on the platform with in-game bonuses.

Overall, SportsSpace intends to improve the overall move-to-earn industry by monetizing sports. In addition, the platform will bring long-awaited augmented reality (AR) technology to the fitness industry, allowing users to enjoy an immersive training experience and earn rewards for staying healthy.

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