Sports Days, Then and Now (‘Life’s a Journey’ Nostalgia Link-Up, Week 71)

By Saveeverystep @saveeverystep

Welcome to year two of our weekly series of ‘link-up’ Posts which reflect on life’s journey, old memories and family stories (see below for more info).

The butterflies. The eyes watching. The fear of tripping. The heat of the sun on the back of your head. The musty smell of the sack cloth. Sports Day is still a sensuous memory, even 35 years on. Perhaps this is the reason that the modern Sports Day has rid itself of the overly-competitive nature which still makes a tummy lurch after 3 decades have elapsed.

Big Boy, Sports Day 2009, when he was little hair-less

Nowadays, as a parental observer, no matter how I try and hold it in, the adrenalin still beats a path to the surface. That primitive competitive streak is masked by a friendly smile to the opposition mothers. But when your boy is winning, the cloak of respectability falls away and Mrs Worthington rears her ugly head with a banshee-like squeal. I’m not proud of it, but tell me you haven’t done the same….

I have tended, in recent years, to hide my excitement behind the lens of the camera, preferring to play the role of unofficial photographer rather than overtly anxious mater. I wonder whether my own parents felt this way? More likely a crushing sense of disappointment as I am almost certain that no winner’s medal ever made its way home with us in the primary school years.

Ah, happy times. Me third from left, back row, about 1977/8

I am thankful now of the camera’s presence, hiding my quickening heartbeat on each of these occasions. Big boy is beyond the age where parents get invited to spectate, so for the precious few remaining years of egg ‘n’ spoons we have left with the little guy, I shall continue to bite the parental lip whilst playing with the exposure, and thank my lucky stars that I have it all on film.

What are your memories of school Sports Day? Can you still remember the nerves of your own childhood when you took part? How is it for you when your little ones are in the running races? Is it competitive or not? Join in with a comment, or write your own Blog post and share in on our Linky. A new theme every week, always nostalgia based.

Do justice to your memories – they are my bread and butter.

Little Guy, this week. Not sure where the running gene comes from…

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More about the Life’s a Journey weekly memories series.

A selection of other posts from this series:-

Week 2 – Old School Portrait

Week 4 – Bestest Friends

Week 5 – Teenage Crushes

Week 6 – First Movie Memories

Week 9 – Favourite Childhood Books

Week 19 – Becoming a Parent

Week 25 – Old Boyfriends

Week 39 – My home town