Sports Celebrities – Fashionable off the Field!

By Cefashion @cefashion

When sports figures like Tom Brady, David Beckham, and LeBron James are in the game the “uniform” rules, however when they are off the field, they get to choose from an endless list of designers for their casual wear.  From suits and sports jackets when they are headed to away games in different cities, to jeans and t-shirts when they are out with their families, these guys like to look good.

Tom Brady, the star quarterback for the New England Patriots, may have not been so “fashion conscious” when he was a rookie in the National Football League, but today, he is much more fashion forward with his hairstyle and clothing.  Here is a photo of him trekking through a neighborhood, paparazzi in tow, in a navy blazer with a brown graphic t-shirt, complimentary plaid scarf, and worn blue jeans. Tom accessorizes well with his Aviator sunglasses, but they are not much of a disguise. And, arguably, Tom’s gotten so good at looking good, his has become one of the most popular NFL jerseys by sheer association!

The next celebrity sports figure who is as well known for his fashion, as he is for his soccer career.  David may have retired in 2013, but his fan base certainly has not diminished.  He is photographed here with his fashion designer, former “Spice Girl” wife Victoria at Wimbledon.  David looks sharp in his blue double breasted, nicely tailored sports jacket with ornamental gold buttons on the cuffs, as well as the body.  He compliments the jacket nicely with a crisp white button-down shirt and micro-check, matching tie.  David’s tan trousers also keep the look casual, but pulled together.  His wife Victoria is also blending well with his style, in her multi-colored, patchwork sundress that was most likely designed by her.

Finally, a guy that is pretty hard to miss because of his size, even when he is off the court without his uniform is LeBron James.  He shows his love for the “Fedora” in this photo from his GQ spread.  The dark brown wool fedora with the wide grosgrain ribbon adds panache to his camel colored v-neck sweater with the ombre effect and rolled-cuff dress shirt.  I bet that the sweater is in a luxury fabric like cashmere and I like the bold brown leather watch as an accessory.