The Spoonk Acupressure Massage Mat is based on the principles of acupressure and Japanese Shiatsu massage. The mat has 6,210 stimulation points, made out of ecyclable nontoxic ABS Plastic crown-shaped discs that stimulates specific reflex points throughout the body, releasing blocked energy, easing tense muscles and creating deep mental and physical relaxation, reducing inflammation and pain, improving sleep, metabolism and circulation, increasing blood flow and relieving headaches and insomnia. You simply lay on it, ensuring that your “trouble areas” are stimulated by the stimulation points; you let the pressure of your body against the mat do the rest!
So if you suffer from back pain, neck and shoulder stiffness, issues falling and staying asleep, and have general fatigue or depression, the Spoonk acupressure massage mat is a great way to help alleviate those issues. Do you practice Yoga or work out a lot? The Spoonk Mat makes a great deep tissue massage addition to your regime.
Spoonk™ Mats are made of all natural materials - organic hemp/organic cotton (shown above) and 100% cotton. The Eco Line/Organic Hemp Mat retails for $69.99 and comes in Sea Grass Green, Midnight Blue, Terra Brown and Saffron Red, while the 100% Cotton Mat retails for $59.99 and is available in Magenta Sunset and Pagoda Blue.