Sponsored Post: Samsung GALAXY Note II Day In The Life Of Rich Moore

By Theneonhub @theneonhub

Following on from our previous post How To Draw Ralph with Wreck It Ralph animator Bill Schwabb. Rich Moore the director of Disney’s latest animation Wreck-It Ralph now demonstrates for us how he uses the Samsung GALAXY Note II as part of a regular day at the office.

Ok, so not all of us work at Walt Disney studios but the devices powerful performance and multitasking capabilities may come in handy!

The video starts with Rich going in to work at Walt Disney studios joking around riding a motorised tricycle around the studios and generally creating mischief wherever he goes including starting a barbecue in the staff canteen! During the video Rich talks to a friend with a multi-window video chat, watches a video and makes a quick command with the devices stylus pen.

Day In The Life Of Rich Moore article sponsored by Samsung all words by neon.