Spoilers: True Blood Season 4, Episode 3

Posted on the 04 July 2011 by Cynisright @cynisright

Image by katmary via Flickr


Never thought Eric “The blood-thirstin’ Viking” Northman could get anymore delicious than what he has been since his introduction (ugly wig and all) but I do believe that True Blood‘s Season 4 Eric may cause me to do something that I never deemed possible – buy HBO. Granted, I am staying with a friend of my boo’s and I don’t have a stable job – yet – but I can’t help but lust after the idea of having HBO for my Sunday vampire-carnal pleasure.

It appears that the Eric’s amnesia storyline is off to an early start, which I’m happy about because I was worried that Alan Ball would tease us with this since I’m sure he KNOWS that any person that has read the book that coincides with this series has waited for this (and the SHOWER scene) to happen since HBO announced that they’d making the books into a sizzling cable TV show.

Next week seems to have plenty of Sookie Stackhouse and Eric especially since Ms. Stackhouse has decided to live in her house even if Eric owns it or not. Even though, I enjoy Eric’s vampire badassedness (yes, made that up), I can’t wait to see his more docile self. Although, it seems that his docile self has lost Eric’s penchant for tight clothes and tracksuits – oh well, can’t have everything!