Spoilers: Debbie Pelt’s Family Will Invade Bon Temps in Season 5

Posted on the 05 January 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

With the new list of casting calls of yesterday, we know that True Blood is casting for Debbie Pelt’s family.  

Now, TVLine is reporting more about the appearance of Alcide’s ex’s mamma and pappa.

Remember Alcide’s crazy ex, Debbie Pelt? Well she’s about to be crazy with family. The HBO drama is in the process of casting the not-so-dearly departed’s mom and dad, Barbara and Gordon, who will hit Bon Temps loaded with questions bout their “missing” little girl. Though both ‘rents are described as “kindly,” Gordon will be riled up and grow defensive soon enough when Alcide speaks ill of the dead. Er, of the “missing.”