SPOILER ALERT! True Blood Episode 6.03 – Title Revealed

Posted on the 29 January 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

SpoilerTV revealed the episode title for True Blood Episode 6.03 – as well as an update in this edition of News From The Casting Couch!

WARNING: If you don’t want to know – don’t read below!

This is what SpoilerTV revealed about Episode 6.03 – thanks to our friendly neighborhood Spoiler Fairy;

Episode 6.03 of True Blood will be called “Rock Hard Times” and one guest star and many co-star roles are being cast for it.

The guest star part is a 50-year-old woman named Beverly Hutt who was a friend of Sookie/Jason’s parents and answers their questions about them. The co-star roles are: Young Beverly Hutt, 30 year old, (seen in a flashback), 4 mischievous/silly faerie girls (who are younger versions of 4 faeries as seen in a flashback), a 30-to-50-year-old hospital nurse who attempts to calm a patient, 8-year-old Sookie (also seen in a flashback), and 2 Caddo Parish sheriff deputies who visit Sam at his home.

The Spoiler Fairy also revealed this about the sheriff deputies;

Just an FYI… A casting notice for two polite Caddo parish deputies was sent out previously for episode 6.01, but it looks like they’ll be paying Sam a visit in episode 6.03 instead (since this new casting notice lists those roles again).

Special thanks to SpoilerTV and the Spoiler Fairy for bringing us this news!

Looks like we’re going to be having a Sookie flashback scene…wonder if it will reveal more about Warlow and what happened when Sookie was a young girl?

As for the episode title…I hope I’m not the only one whose mind went straight into the gutter when I read it. I hope it’s an Eric-centric episode too! Will this video below from the Eels be the song choice picked by the producers?

What are your thoughts? Please share ‘em below!