SPOILER ALERT: Synopsis’ of True Blood Season 7 Leaked!

Posted on the 14 May 2014 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

The last episode of Season 6 saw the viking vampire going up in flames. Since then we have heard nothing in relation to whether or not he survives this inferno, other than showrunner Brian Buckner assuring us that he will be back for True Blood Season 7 – although he did not elaborate in what form or capacity he will be returning.

Now SpoilerTV has leaked the synopsis’ for both Episode 1 and 2 of Season 7. You can view the details below:

So few words, so much that can be taken from them!

We now have a couple of episode titles we didn’t previously have as well as confirmation that True Blood Season 7 will indeed pick up from where it ended in Season 6. However, the particularly juicy piece of information comes in the second episode when it appears we will see an episode dedicated to Pam (played by Kristin Bauer van Straten) searching for her maker, Eric Northman.

Will she find him?

Considering the first episode is committed to the attack by Hep V infected vampires (and probably we can assume this will directly involve plenty of air time spent at Bellefleurs), it would imply a certain amount of time passing. Add this to the fact that there was already a time jump from Eric bursting into flames and the attack by Hep V invected vamps, it is possible that someone else has already rescued Eric from his extreme suntan. Who could it be? And in what condition will he be in?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

Source: SpoilerTV – True Blood – Episode 7.01 – 7.02 – Synopsis

(Photo Credits: SpoilerTV.com/HBO Inc.)