Split Pumpkins Won't Keep

By Scarecrow
Update March Week 3 :
It didn't take very much rain to split this pumpkin
...it will be turned into soup straight away
as it won't keep with a crack like that in it.
Temperatures this week:
Lowest Min 9.4C
Highest Max 29.4C
19mm Rain
Seedlings planted out:
Cauliflower (Broccoli) Romanesco into Bed 9
Yarrow Yellow Achillea millefolium cuttings
Next Week To Do:
Plant those Peas and some Lettuce seedlings out
Sow more Spinach and Cima Di Rapa and Coriander on 25th-28th Mar
And still to do from last week because life got busy!
Clean out Faverolles' house
Clear and tidy driveway with Doc's help!
Harvest Tally:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making.
Beans Roc D'Or 30g
Capsicum California Wonder 83g
Carrots Mixed 140g
Onions Sweet Domenica 196g
Pumpkin Butternut 875g
Pumpkin Triamble 3399g
Pumpkin Whangaparaoa Crown 12168g
Tomato Money Maker 291g
Trombone 4275g
Peaches 1444g
Eggs: total for the week 19
19 From the 5 Farmyard Ferals
0 From the Lone Barnevelder
0 From the 4 Faverolles
The pea seeds sown on the 3rd March have germinated very quickly
and are ready to plant out!
The JAP Pumpkin was very slow to take off but now is extremely vigorous and is setting fruit...hopefully they will grow to a decent size quickly before the frosts start!
The Trombone plants in the old chook run have hijacked the cucumber trellis...but in the wind last week one broke off. I cooked it up and it tasted very good even though it didn't look ripe!
We finally have some zucchinis developing on the plants
of the late crop from seeds sown 3rd Dec 2011.
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Planting Plan for Autumn HERE This is updated as planting occurs.