SPLC Name-calls Charles Johnson for Telling the Truth

Posted on the 30 July 2017 by Calvinthedog

Interesting article from the (((SPLC))) about Charles Johnson. This idiot who authors the blog Little Green Footballs has been all over the place ideologically over the years. I think he’s mostly just some sort of a professional troll who picks up on whatever the hip ideology du jour happens to be.

Now I do not like this reactionary POS at all. Not one bit. But the (((SPLC )))calls him racist and antisemite here for no particular reason. It also makes a lot of other dubious statements about him. This is just name-calling, and it’s all the fault of the damned Cultural Left. The Cultural Left has given every asshole in the world a nice club to beat anyone they don’t like with: the bigotry club.

Don’t like someone for any reason on Earth? No problem, just call them a bigot! And since the vast majority of humans do retain some prejudices and the Cultural Left has so expanded the daffynition of bigotry to mean any criticism at all of one of their pet protected groups who are so holy and pure that they never do anything wrong and hence may not be critiqued.

You don’t like that guy? Just call him a misogynist! I just got called that the other day. What the Hell?

You hate someone? Just call them racist! I get called this all the time, despite that fact that I am on some Black mailing lists, and I work on their political campaigns.

Got a beef against someone? No problem. Just call them anti-Semite! I get called this constantly, even though recently I have been seriously looking into converting!

This sort of thing is starting to become politically vapid. It’s getting to be like the boy who cried wolf. They are going to call so many people so many names, usually based on false accusations, that I am thinking that after a while, people are going to start yawning whenever some dipshit calls someone racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, anti-Semite, homophobe, transphobe or whatever. You grotesquely abuse an epithet and after a while it loses all its meaning and no one listens to you anymore.

About Blacks (bold is mine):

And at a certain point you…If we’re all the same, you would have statistically expected that if blacks are fifteen percent of the population, they would make up, you know, fifteen percent of honors winners, you know, honor students or whatever. And yet that’s never the case. And so you have to…You have to believe — that every single school on the planet, and in every single environment that’s run by white people — that they’re systematically discriminating against blacks for some reason. Or you have to believe the more obvious thing which is that they’re dumber. And enough experience with them kind of persuades you that the dumber thing is probably true.

No kidding. They are less intelligent as a group on average. Of course they are. Now whether that is permanent or not and what’s causing it are two very different questions that I am quite neutral on, but of course they are less intelligent. I mean, that’s just basic scientific fact right now. Apparently the Cultural Left is anti-science!

About the Jews:

You know, when you do anything sort of, like, involving IQ of above 130 you’re gonna meet a lot of Jews. And what’s interesting to me is how they’re both, like, victim and oppressor in their psychology. And just how neurotic they are as a group. So I think it’s…You know, my attitude is that they should be on tap but never really on top of a lot of decision-making, except for rare exceptions to the rule.

But for me, the neuroticism that’s clearly a big part of their evolutionary situation is interesting. And of course I get very upset with them because they have this idea that most goyim that they meet are actually quite dumb. And that’s true for a lot of them but I always have to sort of like set them apart and be like, ‘Look, I know you meet a lot of stupid ones but like I’m the exception. You know, and you need to start treating me with respect.’ It’s interesting how, when you say that, a lot of the tricks that they try to use on people, they just sort of, like, disappear. …And it is interesting how the things that are the most screwed up in our society — media, education, and government — seem to have a disproportionate number of them.

Here he makes a number of utterly innocuous statements about the Jews, all true to boot, and not only that, but most Jews will make these very same statements about themselves especially if you catch them alone and put a couple of drinks in them.

You know, when you do anything sort of, like, involving IQ of above 130 you’re gonna meet a lot of Jews.

Well of course. And this is a compliment. Now it’s antisemitic to compliment these people? What the Hell will Jews think of next? I think Jews like this idea that everyone hates them and talks smack about them all the time. Even if no one hates them, they have to look around and start twisting compliments into insults and looking for haters under every bed and around every corner because, you know, Jews need to be hated. They actually enjoy it and get off it. It’s an essential part of their psychology. I would term the basic Jewish personality structure as paranoid-masochistic. In fact, a very famous Jewish psychologist suggested this very theory.

And what’s interesting to me is how they’re both, like, victim and oppressor in their psychology.

Of course they love being victims. There was a Jewish guy on the newsgroups. He once said, “The one thing you cannot take away from a Jew is his sense of victimhood. Jews will almost kill to retain that basic aspect of themselves. That’s how important it is to them.”

And of course they can be oppressors. The belligerence and the preemptive aggression goes along with the paranoia and the masochism. Most paranoids are pretty aggressive, so it all makes sense. And of course paranoids need to be victims of the conspiracies of their enemies. That’s how their whole world view is structured.

And just how neurotic they are as a group.

Yes, Jews are neurotic. Sigh. This is now hate speech apparently? Jeez. Everyone knows this. Even Jews know this. Even Judeophiles mention this. I had a Jewish girlfriend once, and she talked about it. I guess she was an antisemite herself then.

You know, my attitude is that they should be on tap but never really on top of a lot of decision-making, except for rare exceptions to the rule.

A rather rough thing to say, but I am coming around to this attitude myself. Putting the Jews in charge increasingly strikes me as a fools errand or possibly a lot worse, a fatal mistake. Everything seems to go to Hell in a lot of ways when you put the Jews in charge. For one thing, democracy and freedom of speech quickly go out the window, as the Jews start implementing in their normative totalitarian politics.

What is interesting is that the traditional mindset of the Jews was that it was good to have the Jews near power – say second in command, but that the Jews generally should not be running things.  The idea was that this would cause a lot of bad results. And we see in Israel and the US what happens when you put the Jews in charge. Chaos and totalitarianism, restrictions on free speech, attacks on academic freedom and basically creeping fascism. Sure it’s Jewish fascism, but Jewish fascism is fascism nevertheless. Antisemitism is not an essential part of fascism. Who ever gave you that idea? Fascism can unfold in any society among any group. It’s a natural human tendency, and the Jews are not immune.

And of course I get very upset with them because they have this idea that most goyim that they meet are actually quite dumb. And that’s true for a lot of them but I always have to sort of like set them apart and be like, ‘Look, I know you meet a lot of stupid ones but like I’m the exception. You know, and you need to start treating me with respect.’ It’s interesting how, when you say that, a lot of the tricks that they try to use on people, they just sort of, like, disappear.

That’s actually true and that’s why Jews usually like me. I talked to a Jewish woman the other day and she told me I had yiddishkeit – a Jewish soul. Of course I took it as a compliment. I’ve always wanted to be a Jew, ever since I was a kid. I’d be one of those self-haters like Chomsky, but it would still be pretty cool to be one of the Chosen. I’m so conceited I’ve felt like was one of the Chosen most of my life anyway, so why not make it official?

Actually there are many Jewish jokes along these lines. Super Jews in particular like these sort of jokes. I find a lot of them in poor taste. A lot of it has to do with Jews making fun of Christians for trying pathetically trying to be good people in a bad world. The Jews just think this is a sucker’s move and it opens you up to exploitation. In the world of the Jews, the naive conscience of the Christian is anti-pragmatic and does nothing but make him a victim, a mark, a rube. There are many Jewish jokes along the lines of the clever Jew unburdened by Christian morals tricking or cheating the naive starry-eyed Christian in some way or another. Super Jew Harlan Ellison, the famous writer, used to tell jokes like this.

And it is interesting how the things that are the most screwed up in our society — media, education, and government — seem to have a disproportionate number of them.

Yawn. Typical rightwing complaint of Jews as carriers of modernism, liberalism, Marxism, feminism, gay rights, anti-racism, civil rights, the Cultural Left, Political Correctness, etc. The argument is “Jews are responsible for liberalism.” I actually like that about them, and in fact there’s a lot of truth behind it. Whether it’s a slur or not depends on how you feel about liberals I suppose.