Splashh, Companion and Generationals Played Bowery [photos]

Posted on the 26 April 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Photos by Ethan Feuer

Generationals teamed up with Splashh and Companion on Monday for a show that ran the gamut of musical styles — moving from soft, downtempo harmonics to the feverish guitar drones, playful pizzicato and wavering, breathless vocals that we all know and love.

Companion was first onto the stage. Though the band hadn’t yet polished all the green from their silver, their sound was heartfelt and ambitious in a way that drew the crowd along, and their constant shifts in tempo and mood kept us guessing.

Splashh was definitely a fun band to see (and hear) on stage. The four Brits, none of whom looked a day over 17, had a ton of apathetic charm and solid looks, which perfectly matched their hyped-up, MBV/Sonic Youth sound. Most entertaining, though, were the circular, infectious melodies cleverly laced throughout the tracks.

When Generationals took the stage, the pit was ready for them. They opened their set with the irresistibly melodic “Ten-Twenty-Ten” and continued on to a wealth of material from their new album. They also brought some of their more inventive instrumentation to the stage, including a handful of Doppler-esque synths and paralytic voice samples.

Ultimately, the crowd got what they came for: frenetic, clean-cut, melodic pop-rock, and lots of it.


