[courtesy Google Images]
If I only saw or sensed the rising tide of godlessness, criminality and treason emanating from Obama and the White House, I wouldn’t be particularly disturbed. I’d continue to assume that, inevitably, all of the “good” Americans would soon rise up to stop Obama’s wickedness.
But this rising tide of wickedness does not seem to emanate from a single, earthly source or single direction. Instead, this tide seems to flow from dozens, scores, perhaps hundreds of other sources scattered throughout our government, nation and world and from all points on the compass.
The multitude of sources doesn’t appear to be organized as a hierarchy whose infrastructure or communications network could be attacked. The multiple sources don’t appear to be coordinated and centrally-controlled so much happening spontaneously. I don’t feel as if I’m beset by an organization so much as a spiritual “instinct” that’s almost as mindless as a hoard of rats running in the same direction for no discernible reason.
I feel as if I’m vulnerable, but not to an organized assault of the sort we might see from an attacking army. Instead, I feel vulnerable to an attack that is, by itself, almost as invisible and omnipresent as biological warfare. There seems to be something “in the air” that I can sense, but I can’t see.
Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I don’t think that’s the case.
If I were being attacked by a real army, I could see my attackers and shoot. I wouldn’t feel helpless. There’d be something I could do. But the attack that I sense today leaves me with nothing to do but hope and endure–perhaps even to the end.
What disturbs me more than anything else is that, while I keep waiting and expecting the American people to rise up to oppose this invisible attack, I see almost no one who seems truly dedicated to resisting. America is not in danger because we have so many criminals, traitors and evil men in our nation and government. We’re in danger because we have so few good men who are willing to stand up, stand together and somehow resist our spiritual adversary.
I do what I can to try to sound the alarm but, except for a handful of others, almost no one else seems to hear or care. I am shocked by America’s habitual indifference to wickedness and the threat of national destruction.
I’ve been writing for 24 years in hope that I’d find the right words to arouse public resentment to corruption and even wickedness. I’ve been struggling to find the words that might motivate others to really stand up, overcome the corruption and restore some semblance of righteousness to this country.
But, so far as I know, I’ve been singularly unsuccessful in providing such motivation. Of course, I’m hoping to motivate millions but perhaps the Good LORD only needs a few thousand or even a few hundred to achieve His purposes. So, maybe I’ve had some measure of success–but if I have, it’s not obvious.
I look around and it appears to me that the forces or wickedness are rising, gloating in their power. The advocates of righteousness that I’d hope and expect to see, seem scattered, disorganized, impotent, few in number and frightened into silence.
I feel like a man about to be encompassed by a hurricane. I know that I can do nothing to ensure my earthly survival. I know that the only way I’ll emerge from the coming hurricane is by the grace of our Father YHWH ha Elohiym. In a sense, I will have to submit to the power of hurricane that’s coming and depend only on the Good LORD to get me through.
There are moments when I’m tempted to run and hide and try to escape the invisible attack against America. Maybe I should just quit writing, quit radio, quit trying to educate and motivate myself and others. Maybe I should just hunker down in an armor-plated hole and try to save myself.
But, whenever that notion crosses my mind, I’m reminded of the Messiah’s warning that “those who stand firm to the end shall be saved.” Those who don’t “stand firm to the end” shall not be saved. To cut, run and hide would be to “not stand firm to the end”. Bad idea.
Sooo, here I am, determined to “stand firm to the end”. I can’t quit. I can’t run.
But, while my determination to “stand firm” seemed fairly easy several years ago, it increasingly seems almost impossible. That’s probably because ten years ago, I believed I had enough strength in myself to withstand whatever testing and tribulation might precede the “end”. Today, as a senior citizen, I see my own strength waning at the same time that the powers of wickedness are rising. Today, I know that the only way I can “stand firm to the end” is if I have enough faith in the Good LORD to do so.
I suspect that the Messiah’s warning might be more accurately interpreted as: only those who “stand firm to the end” in their faith–not in their persona strength–“shall be saved”.
We shall see.
In any case, here’s the video that I understand as evidence or fast-rising spiritual warfare waged moreso by the wicked than the righteous. Here’s the video that someone else is every bit as disconcerted by the rising tide of spiritual warfare waged by the wicked as I am. But, where’s evidence of spiritual warfare waged by the righteous?
I expected to be one in an army of millions of “Christians Soldiers” (marching as to war!) who’ld inevitably overwhelm the wicked. I feel as if I’m one of a handful of Christian dissidents who are merely hoping to avoid capture.
Spiritual warfare is not for the faint of heart.
Spiritual warfare is no game.
video 00:09:28